Supporting Care Providers

Providing exercise solutions to support those in care remain active, improving daily quality of life

Care Providers

Innerva’s mission is to design innovative fitness equipment to help older people remain physically and socially active in the second half of their lives.

Our power assisted exercise equipment provides a sustainable exercise solution for older adults: 75% of Innerva users exercise 3 or more times per week.

Including Innerva exercise equipment in your care home, means residents can remain fully engaged for longer – remaining independent and reducing demands on your staff.

  • A safe, comfortable and social solution for older exercisers
  • Health (physical & mental) – building future resilience to seasonal illnesses (e.g winter flu) and future pandemics
  • Long-term independence – supporting older adults to become/stay active, improving mobility, balance and confidence
  • Reducing social isolation - providing a social hub to combat loneliness

Our design engineers and physiotherapy consultants are dedicated to creating modern exercise solutions for the older adult, and our partnerships with the Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre at Sheffield Hallam University and with Manchester Metropolitan University mean Innerva are leading experts in fitness equipment for older adults.

Our active ageing experts are happy to discuss your plans:

  • Replacing existing fitness equipment
  • Creating a gym or wellbeing suite in an under-utilised space
  • Designing exercise facilities for pipeline projects

With an Innerva suite in your home, existing and future residents – and their families – can be reassured that they are investing in the very best later-life experience, sustained by the wellbeing benefits of exercise well into their 80s, 90s and beyond.

In addition the NICE quality standard 2014 Falls in Older People states:

Strength and balance training is recommended. Those most likely to benefit are older people living in the community with a history of recurrent falls and/or balance and gait deficit. A muscle strengthening and balance programme should be offered.

Proven Results

Proven Results An independent study in the effectiveness of Shapemaster
equipment on those whose average age was 75 resulted in:


Increased balance
by over



Arm strength
increased by



Leg strength
increased by



Increased upper
body strength by





We have great machines, they are proving to be popular as it strengthens the legs, arms and knees and also pelvic muscles thereby reducing the loss of bladder and bowel control. All of this can add to maintaining the dignity and independence of our residents.

Tony Grundy, Activity Manager, Silk, Heather Grange

AB Pullover

The Ab Pullover provides a combination of stretching and strengthening which helps to improve shoulder and hip flexibility and strengthen the muscles of the abdomen and back.

Chest & Legs

The Chest & Legs machine assists flexion and extension of all four limbs. The ability to move easily from sitting to standing is important for functional independence and requires strength within the extensor muscles groups. The push down action of the legs will strengthen the thigh and gluteal muscles. The rowing action of the arms will strengthen the arm and shoulder muscles.

Cross Cycle

The Cross Cycle promotes lower limb movement, and flexion and extension of the upper limbs. This exercise will promote strengthening of the thigh and shoulder muscles and improves aerobic fitness.

Flys & Thighs

The Flys & Thighs machine firms inner and outer thighs, helps to strengthen and shape the chest and shoulder areas, and increases mobility in the hip and shoulder joints. The upper body performs an upright fly exercise targeting the pectorals, whilst legs are performing abductor and adductor exercises, helping to strength the hips and thighs.


It is important to cool down gradually at the end of an exercise session. The Relaxer offers vibratory stimulation which promotes relaxation at the end of an exercise session. Several physiological benefits are associated with vibration therapy. Research studies indicate that it can increase bone density, improve standing balance, reduce pain and decrease stiffness. These physiological responses will benefit the symptoms associated with long term conditions and the ageing process.

Seated Climber

The Seated Climber is predominantly a cardiovascular machine which exercises both the upper and lower body, combining a lateral pulldown and shoulder press movement with a leg stepping action. It helps to shape and strengthen the deltoids and larger muscle groups of the upper back, whilst improving posture and increasing cardiovascular fitness.

Side Bend Stepper

The Side Bend Stepper exercises the major muscle groups (both upper and lower extremity), works the heart and lungs helping to raise energy levels and increase oxygen supply to the cells. It also helps to improve coordination.

Tricep Dip & Leg Curl

The Tricep Dip & Leg Curl machine strengthens the muscles of the upper arm and thigh. During the push down phase of the upper limb movement, the triceps muscle will be activated. This muscle is important for reaching activities and pushing up from a low chair. During the pull up phase of the upper limb movement, the biceps muscle is used. This muscle group is very important for lifting and carrying activities.

Tummy Crunch

The Tummy Crunch is a multifunctional machine which exercises the abdominals and lower back, whilst mobilising the hip and knee joints, and gluteal muscles.

Rotary Torso

The Rotary Torso assists with the rotation of the trunk, hips and shoulders. Rotation of the trunk is one of the first movements to decline as part of the ageing process. This is further accelerated in people with neurological changes. Reduced trunk rotation leads to loss of arm swing during walking, reduced balance, back pain and stiffness. The Rotary Torso helps to reverse or minimise these changes.


The Hipster provides a great exercise for the hips, glutes and hamstrings. The machine gently assists alternate hip extension and also enables a gentle lower back exercise. The user should allow the assisted movement to gently stretch the hamstrings, keeping the abdominal muscles switched on to protect the lower back.

Side Flexor

The Side Flexor machine provides a superb exercise targeting the oblique muscles, firming and flattening of the abdominal wall. The internal and external obliques are diagonal muscles which lie underneath the rectus abdominus are targeted. These muscles are responsible for twisting actions. The erector spinae muscles are also used, therefore strengthening the lower back. This unique exercise combination will provide fast results, providing tone and strengthening abdominals.